For starters, he is arguably the most famous person in history. And nobody saw that coming, by the way. He was born to poor parents and became a small-town Jewish teacher. Most teachers like him have come and gone without any fanfare, yet somehow the name Yeshua ben Yosef (or “Jesus, son of Joseph”) is known and respected around the globe.
Claims have been made that he performed miracles, healed diseased, expelled demons, and even read peoples’ minds. None of this can be proven scientifically, but one thing is certain: those who spent time with Jesus believed him to be miraculous. Even today, over 2,000 years after his life on earth, more people identify as Christians than any other religion.
He said this about himself: “God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son [Jesus], that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” Jesus had no intention of becoming a famous miracle worker who takes up space in a history book. His mission was to die on a cross, pay the penalty for the sins of mankind, and rise from the dead to prove his deity. He asserted that all who follow him have eternal life, and those who do not remain separated from God for eternity.
So… who is Jesus to you? We would love to hear your answer and talk further. Reach out and ask any questions you have, or let us know if you want to chat sometime in person.
Do you have questions about God? Have you wondered if there is more to life than this? Why did Jesus have to die? Alpha is a safe space to ask questions and for anyone to feel free to say what’s on their minds about God, Jesus, Christianity, etc. Alpha is a 10-week series exploring the basics of the Christian faith in a relaxed, low-key environment. Each evening begins with dinner, followed by a video series and discussion. Alpha might be your next step in your faith journey, or you might have a friend who could benefit from this experience.
Many of us have been walking with Jesus for years, yet we still have questions about the gospel and how it should shape every aspect of our everyday life. We need a place to be encouraged on our journey and to know that we are not alone. Discover the Gospel is a 10-week course to help you better apply the gospel as we live it out everyday. Each evening will be interactive, informal, and an environment that encourages building relationships. As a staff, we have created content that includes resources and videos to aid in developing the gospel as a way of life.