Membership Classes
A good way to think about membership is as a partnership. Partnership in the gospel, in the beliefs and values of a local body, and partnership in our mission to Live, Love, and Lead. Learn about who we are as a church, what we value, what it means to be a member of Hershey Free Church, and how a commitment to a local body of believers can make a difference in your Christian journey. The next membership classes are March 2 & 9 at 9 AM in the Core Cafe. You do not need to register to attend. If you are interested in membership, contact Deb Webster for more information.
At the Hershey Free Church, baptism represents a believer’s public confession and celebration of faith in Jesus Christ as his or her personal Savior and symbolizes new life in Christ. Baptism is an opportunity to celebrate the work of Christ in your life with your church family. Together we encourage each other, rejoice with you, and walk alongside you on your journey. Baptism is an outward sign of the inward work that Christ has done in our lives. Baptism is not about being perfect or about having everything figured out. Instead, it is about committing to walk this journey with Christ and continually surrender to him. Baptism is making a public statement, in front of your church family, that you are going to stand with Jesus. The next baptism classes are March 16 & 23 at 9 AM in room 403. If you have been considering baptism, reach out to Joan Apgar for more information.