Saying Yes to serving gives us a glimpse into who we were created to be. Each of us has been given specific gifts and talents. It's in the act of service that we become aware of those gifts as we develop them.
Say Yes to Serve at Hershey Free
We encourage you to Say Yes and join the team at Hershey Free Church. We believe this is a way for you to commit to a local body and begin to form connections and friendships.
KidStep Ministries
Sunday Morning Nursery is looking for loving volunteers to serve our cutest and most important guests! Each week we have three classes for babies and toddlers up to 3 years of age, and we need your help to keep our nursery open. This ministry is so important as it offers parents an opportunity to attend our worship service or a connect group without distractions. KidStep is also looking for volunteers to staff KidStep during the summer to give their volunteers some time off.
We hope you will join us this year as we step back in time to Egypt, exploring the life of Joseph! KREW 2025 will be held June 16-20 from 6:00-8:30 PM. There are several volunteer opportunities waiting just for you! Don't worry if you can't serve the week of KREW, we also need help before and after KREW. Check out all the options in the link below or email to set up a time to chat. Another way you can join the adventure is with donations of specific items, snacks, or gift cards (to purchase supplies). We value each and every one of you and thank you for your investment in the kids and families of our church and community!
CORE Ministries
CORE has opportunities to serve as small group leaders on Sundays and Wednesdays. They also have a Wednesday cafe and could use volunteers to bake cookies and sell candy to students.
Welcome Team
On any given Sunday morning, several new guests enter our building. It takes approximately seven different touch points for a guest to feel welcomed. We have opportunities to serve at The Hub, as a greeter, or on the Coffee Team.
For these opportunities and more, fill out the form below and someone from our staff will get back to you shortly.
Say Yes to Serve Locally
We encourage you to explore your passions and Say Yes to serving in the community. Consider serving with one of our church partners, Love INC and Downey Elementary School, or with one of the many good ministries in Central PA.
Downey Elementary
One of our key values at Hershey Free Church is to make a difference in our community. One way we live out that value is by partnering with Downey Elementary School in Harrisburg. Giving support to the staff helps them feel encouraged in an area where there often isn’t much of that. One way to do that is through providing monthly treats. One teacher recently commented that the monthly treat “lifts everyone’s spirits up and often is much-needed. Thanks soooo much for loving Downey.” Another staff member remarked, “Wow!!! You all are awesome. We appreciate you!”
We are looking for additional people to join the Teacher Encouragement team. This involves preparing treats such as cookies or cupcakes for the Downey staff. Treats can be dropped off at Hershey Free. You do not need to participate every month. Contact Karen Markey ( for more information.
Say Yes to Serve Globally
We want to help foster in people a passion for Jesus Christ that moves them to declare and demonstrate the gospel to their neighbors, the region, and the nations. Short-term teams are groups of people from Hershey Free Church sent to serve alongside our partners and long-term missionaries to accomplish meaningful gospel ministry, deepen relationships with partners, and see lasting spiritual growth in team members' lives, to the glory of God.
Specific partnerships give focus to our global outreach efforts and provide tangible ways for our congregation to grasp and become more personally involved. Hershey Free Church partners with one of our missionaries for a fixed period of time towards mutually established goals that neither of us could accomplish independently. We have chosen to focus on partnerships that reach out to unreached peoples with the gospel (an unreached people group is one where less than 2% of the population follow Christ).
For Christ’s love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again. (2 Corinthians 5:14-15)
Our vision is for every person at Hershey Free to serve not just within the walls of the church but to reach out to our community. God has positioned the people of Hershey Free Church to be involved in many different community organizations throughout our region. We want to enable you to be agents of change and encourage you and the organizations you support. We want to celebrate the involvement of our congregation as you serve in various organizations that seek the flourishing of our communities.
To that end, Hershey Free Church’s Local Impact Fund for Transformation (LIFT) awards grants to local, non-profit organizations where individuals or groups from Hershey Free actively serve. Grants will be awarded for $500 to these organizations if certain criteria are met and funds are still available.
As a church, we love our community and seek ways to connect with our neighbors, have fun, and be relative. Our block party trailer is a way to embody that vision. We use the trailer to engage in pre-existing community events so that we are going where people already are versus asking them to come to us. The trailer is available for groups or individuals within the church to sign out and use in their neighborhoods for block parties or other events!
The trailer contains everything you need to have a great event! Just add some friendly people with a love for their neighborhood, warm invitations, and prayer!
You can customize the contents of the trailer to meet the needs of your event. Examples of materials that can be added to the trailer include:
* Folding tables and chairs
* Projector and movie screen
* Cornhole
* Ring Toss
* Bowling Pins
* Face Paint Set