He loves to read and often knows the author.
He likes meeting new people.
She makes it happen.
She is your go to for all reporting needs.
She knows math.
She is an Aussie.
Türkçe biliyor. (He knows Turkish.)
She is a master gardener.
Her favorite music is K-pop.
She walks really fast.
She would like to remain anonymous.
She will hike in any weather.
She married a Brit.
He is like a burnt marshmallow.
He is a grill master!
She keeps the sanctuary beautiful.
He knows where all the good ladders are.
He fixes things.
She can make anything beautiful.
She has a very large dog.
She loves to read and visit new restaurants.
She likes to work from her pool.
He loves a good musical.
He supplies the staff with chocolate.
She loves to create fun and interesting coffee drinks.
He is obsessed with golf.
He is in a band.
She can move you to tears with her singing.